<< Article 30 << List of Articles >> Article 32 >>
Section I. Delivery of the goods and handing over of documents
If the seller is not bound to deliver the goods at any other particular place, his obligation to deliver consists:
(a) if the contract of sale involves carriage of the goods - in handing the goods over to the first carrier for transmission to the buyer;
(b) if, in cases not within the preceding subparagraph, the contract relates to specific goods, or unidentified goods to be drawn from a specific stock or to be manufactured or produced, and at the time of the conclusion of the contract the parties knew that the goods were at, or were to be manufactured or produced at, a particular place - in placing the goods at the buyer's disposal at that place;
(c) in other cases - in placing the goods at the buyer's disposal at the place where the seller had his place of business at the time of the conclusion of the contract.
judgement OS NR from 27 February 2006, rec. no.23Cb/211/2005
judgement OS NR from 17 May 2006, rec. no. 23Cb/29/2006
see also annotated Article 31 in Pace Database
see also case law to article 31 in the UNCITRAL Digest of case law