[slovenske znenie] We believe that while browsing this website, you have acquired valuable information about CISG and its application in Slovakia, which will be used to promote legal theory and actual application of CISG. The more information the Database will be able to provide, the higher quality will it offer to its visitors. Since we assume that the visitors of this website will prevailingly be legal scholars and legal practitioners dealing with CISG and its application, WE WOULD LIKE TO ASK YOU FOR YOUR HELP in improving the Database in the following areas:
The Database has an ambition to gather all judgements and arbitral awards issued in Slovakia or eventually such foreign decisions that include Slovak aspect in the concerned legal relationship and have applied CISG. We welcome providing access to such decisions which will subsequently be categorized and systematized in the Database, respecting privacy protection under act no. 428/2002 Coll. on personal data protection as amended. We particularly welcome providing access to arbitral awards, since they are not published anywhere in Slovakia, which prevents merchants from discovering a special character and advantages of these proceedings for disputes arising from international trade. We also believe that advocates who represented merchants in proceedings dealing with CISG will help to develop this Database by sending such decisions of courts and arbitrators.
Development of legal theory on CISG, including analyses on problematic issues in application of CISG is in the interest of all subjects dealing with application of CISG. The Database offers to all legal scholars, students, lawyers, advocates, arbitrators, judges and all other persons involved in application of CISG an opportunity to publish their thesis, articles and opinions dealing with application and analyse of CISG, in order to develop the Database as a centre for professional legal discussion which would promote development of legal theory in this area of law. Furthermore, we offer an opportunity to the authors of the scholar writings, which are already referred to in the abovementioned section by a bibliographic reference, to publish the entire works at this website in order to make it accessible to the general public.
All forms of contributions, enquiries and proposals for improvement of the Database can be submitted directly to the Editors of the Database by an e-mail.
We are looking forward to cooperation
Editors of the Database
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