Article 69sk en

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Article 69
[slovenske znenie]

(1) In cases not within articles 67 and 68, the risk passes to the buyer when he takes over the goods or, if he does not do so in due time, from the time when the goods are placed at his disposal and he commits a breach of contract by failing to take delivery.

(2) However, if the buyer is bound to take over the goods at a place other than a place of business of the seller, the risk passes when delivery is due and the buyer is aware of the fact that the goods are placed at his disposal at that place.

(3) If the contract relates to goods not then identified, the goods are considered not to be placed at the disposal of the buyer until they are clearly identified to the contract.









CISG AC OPINION 5: The buyer's right to avoid the contract in case of non-conforming goods or documents








see also annotated Article 69 in Pace Database

see also case law to article 69 in the UNCITRAL Digest of case law 



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