The buyer must pay the price on the date fixed by or determinable from the contract and this Convention without the need for any request or compliance with any formality on the part of the seller.
judgement OS BA III from 22 May 2008, rec. no. 22Cb/269/2007
judgement OS BJ from 09 March 2007, rec. no. 1Cb/381/2006
judgement NS SR from 03 April 2008, rec. no. 6Obo/119/2004
judgement OS BB from 29 April 2008, rec. no. 64Cb/114/2007
judgement OS BB from 7 March 2008, rec. no. 64Cb/156/2007
judgement OS BJ from 29 October 2007, rec. no. 1Cb/282/2007
judgement KS ZA from 08 January 2007, rec. no. 22Cbm/1/2002
judgement NS SR from 27 June 2007, rec. no. 2 Obo/244/2006
judgement OS BJ from 5 February 2008, rec. no. 1Cb/265/2005
judgement OS BJ from 5 February 2008, rec. no. 1Cb/266/2005
judgement OS BJ from 5 February 2008, rec. no. 1Cb/270/2005
judgement OS TT from 20 October 2010, rec. no. 9Cb/75/2010
judgement OS TT from 19 May 2010, rec. no. 9Cb/169/2009
judgement OS TT from 13 May 2010, rec. no. 15Cb/15/2009
judgement OS BR from 21 July 2009, rec. no. 7Cb/102/2008
see also annotated Article 59 in Pace Database
see also case law to article 59 in the UNCITRAL Digest of case law